Donaldson Mine Complex comprises of the Donaldson, Abel and Tasman Coal Mines and Tasman Extension Project.
Located in the Lower Hunter Valley, mines within the Donaldson Complex are currently non-operational and are either in care and maintenance, closure or planning phases.

Mines within the Donaldson Complex comprise of:
Donaldson Open Cut Coal Mine was operated from 2001 to 2013 and closed in 2014. Progressive rehabilitation activities were undertaken throughout the operation of the mine and a final rehabilitation project was undertaken. Rehabilitation involved removal of roads, excavation of contaminated material, decommissioning of the fuel storage area, buildings and other surface infrastructure, reshaping surfaces to the final landform, topsoil spreading, drainage line construction and seeding with local tree and shrub species. The majority of rehabilitation works at the mine were completed in March 2014 with limited infrastructure remaining that is used for the Abel Underground mine.
Abel Underground Coal Mine was an underground bord and pillar operation that commenced mining in 2007 and was placed in Care and Maintenance in 2016. The site remains in care and maintenance whilst studies to consider potential future mining options have occurred. The majority of Abel’s underground employees were successfully redeployed to the neighbouring Ashton and Austar mines whilst a small care and maintenance team remain onsite.
The original Tasman Mine was an underground bord and pillar operation and ceased mining in 2013. The site has been rehabilitated and both the Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) and the Development Consent have been surrendered. The Tasman Extension Project was approved by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the 18th March 2013. To date, no mining related activities have occurred onsite. The Tasman Extension Project would involve the extension of underground mining into the West Borehole Seam to the North and West of the Fassifern seam workings. Coal would be hauled by road to the Bloomfield Colliery and then transported by rail to the Port of Newcastle for export. Further information can be found in the Tasman Extension Environmental Assessment.
The Donaldson Community Hotline is 1800 111 271
Contact us
We’re here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Below are our dedicated hotlines to ensure you receive the support you need promptly.
Postal Address
- Donaldson Coal Ltd
- ABN 87 073 088 945
- Donaldson Mine
- Box 5, L5, 28 Honeysuckle Dr
- Newcastle, NSW, 2300
- +61 2 4015 1100
Environment & Community Hotline:
- 1800 111 271