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葛培良(Matthew Gerber)
电话: +61 2 8583 5300
邮箱: matthew.gerber@yancoal.com.au
Sussex街 201号,Darking Park 2号办公楼18层
新南威尔士州 悉尼市 邮编 2000
Select year:
2022-12-08 | 莫拉本煤矿将其一辆运输卡车涂成亮粉色以响应防治乳腺癌宣传 |
2022-12-01 | 普瑞马煤矿赞助柯利小轮车俱乐部赛道设施升级 |
2022-11-30 | 索利山沃克沃思和艾诗顿煤矿赞助的纽卡斯尔大学科学、数学和技术(SMART)项目即将启动 |
2022-11-23 | 沃克山煤矿资助其员工参加铁人三项比赛 |
2022-11-16 | 科利高中6名学生在普瑞马煤矿参观自动化运营操作 |
2022-11-02 | 斯特拉福德煤矿为博拉尔乡村消防站的翻新提供赞助 |
2022-10-19 | 鼓励格罗斯特各社区团体申请斯特拉福德社区支持计划基金 |
2022-09-21 | 鼓励亨特谷地区各社区团体申请沃克山及艾诗顿煤矿社区支持计划基金 |
2022-09-21 | John Calvin 学校18名学生参观普瑞马煤矿和周边湖区美景 |
2022-09-19 | 鼓励亨特谷中西部地区各社区团体申请莫拉本煤矿社区支持计划基金 |
2022-09-14 | 普瑞马煤矿赞助科利BMX骑行俱乐部升级厨房设施 |
2022-09-01 | 莫拉本煤矿赞助举办马奇镇山地自行车安全技能培训活动 |
2022-08-17 | 凯贝唐煤炭公司赞助Murilla幼儿园购置新型教学设施 |
2022-08-10 | 兖煤澳洲与西太平洋救援直升机服务计划续签合作伙伴关系 |
2022-08-03 | 斯特拉福德煤炭赞助格罗斯特青少年橄榄球俱乐部购置新装备 |
2022-07-14 | 莫拉本煤矿赞助马奇救援队购买救援设施 |
2022-06-23 | 普瑞马煤矿赞助科利残疾人马术俱乐部购买头盔 |
2022-06-16 | 凯贝唐煤炭公司为Miles州立高中弱势学生赞助早餐 |
2022-06-06 | 兖煤沃克山运营赞助辛格尔顿橄榄球俱乐部购买急救用品 |
2022-05-18 | 斯特拉福德煤矿赞助该地区年度Stroud嘉年华的举办 |
2022-05-04 | 普瑞马煤炭公司赞助当地Amaroo中学翻新食堂 |
2022-05-04 | 兖煤澳洲自2002年起向纽卡斯尔大学科学与工程挑战赛提供赞助 |
2022-03-30 | 普瑞马煤矿为科利地区男士俱乐部赞助5千澳元 |
2022-03-30 | 斯特拉斯福德煤矿向当地16家社区团体赞助6.8万元改善社区环境 |
2022-03-21 | 热烈庆祝雅若碧煤矿斩获2021年度澳大利亚矿业前景奖三项大奖 |
2022-03-16 | 艾诗顿煤矿向亨特谷地区各社区团体赞助4.8万澳元 |
2021-05-18 | 普瑞马煤矿赞助当地冰球俱乐部5千澳元安装空调系统 |
2021-11-05 | 雅若碧煤矿赞助l昆州黑水镇萨拉托加钓鱼赛事 |
2021-10-13 | MTW煤矿赞助Singleton青年俱乐部安装篮球电子计分板 |
2021-09-23 | 雅若碧煤矿员工参与Blackwater高尔夫球俱乐部比赛并为社区筹款 |
2021-09-07 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿为当地教育中心的健康安全项目提供赞助 |
2021-07-29 | 兖煤艾诗顿赞助Singleton幼儿园安装太阳能板 |
2021-07-26 | 兖煤雅若碧赞助Blackwater青年社团购买电子设备 |
2021-06-17 | 兖煤莫拉本煤矿在Windamere湖区植树育林 |
2021-06-10 | 兖煤澳洲赞助纽卡斯尔大学开展科研日活动 |
2021-05-26 | 兖煤斯特拉福德煤矿向当地21个社区团体总计赞助超8万4千澳元 |
2021-05-19 | 兖煤莫拉本煤矿赞助当地手工艺制作坊采购设备 |
2021-05-12 | 克隆塔夫基金会学生在兖煤凯贝唐煤矿参观体验 |
2021-05-05 | 普瑞马煤矿为当地骑行赛事赞助四千澳元 |
2021-04-22 | 兖煤普瑞马赞助修葺Wallsend煤矿设施 |
2021-04-21 | 兖煤莫拉本循环利用旧传送带并将收益捐赠当地社区 |
2021-03-31 | 兖煤MTW赞助当地消防局3600澳元升级厨房设施 |
2021-03-25 | 兖煤普瑞马煤矿为员工罗伯特庆祝其在岗50周年 |
2021-03-24 | 兖煤艾诗顿煤矿通过社区支持项目赞助当地社区组织2.5万澳元 |
2021-03-08 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿关注废料管理与循环利用以造福当地社区 |
2021-03-03 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿赞助当地协会投放鱼苗 |
2020-12-09 | 凯普沃瑞(Kepwari)湖区视频:向水上运动休闲中心的转变 |
2020-12-09 | 凯普沃瑞(Kepwari)湖区的转变: 从露天矿区变为水上运动休闲中心 |
2020-12-16 | 兖煤莫拉本煤矿和皮博迪为当地学校赞助登山设备 |
2020-12-02 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿赞助当地板球俱乐部采购防晒装备 |
2020-04-23 | 兖煤旗下雅若碧煤矿持续赞助当地直升机救援队 |
2020-11-25 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿与当地直升机救援服务续约三年提供赞助 |
2020-11-13 | 兖煤普瑞马煤矿员工为社区做贡献,自愿清理路边垃圾 |
2020-03-24 | 兖煤澳洲有关应对新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情的声明 |
2020-11-11 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿赞助当地青少年高尔夫球俱乐部 |
2020-11-04 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿赞助当地艺术中心进行整修 |
2020-03-11 | 兖煤澳洲在火灾期间为消防队和社区捐款并贡献人力物力 |
2020-10-01 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿为当地田径赛事捐款采购设备 |
2020-09-23 | 兖煤凯贝唐煤矿为当地射箭俱乐部捐献资金 |
2020-02-24 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿赞助当地社区安装监控摄像头 |
2020-09-02 | 兖煤所属雅若碧煤矿为当地玩具图书馆捐款 |
2020-08-26 | 兖煤莫拉本煤矿为当地服务中心捐赠休息设施 |
2020-08-12 | 兖煤斯特拉福德杜拉里煤矿拨款支持当地社区游乐设施和教育发展 |
2020-02-19 | 兖煤旗下雅若碧煤矿出资保护受灾情影响的野生动物 |
2020-01-24 | 兖煤旗下澳思达煤矿将过渡至“维护保养”阶段 |
2020-07-22 | 兖煤旗下凯贝唐煤矿为当地中学赞助空调扇 |
2020-07-15 | 兖煤旗下艾诗顿煤矿赞助当地社区修建教育设施 |
2020-06-29 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿将卡车刷成粉色以呼吁对乳腺癌的重视 |
2020-01-15 | 兖煤澳洲为受森林火灾影响的地区提供援助 |
2019-11-20 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿关注员工精神健康 |
2019-11-11 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿成功举办员工家庭开放日 |
2019-10-30 | 兖煤旗下澳思达煤矿出资为当地幼儿园建鸡舍 |
2019-10-25 | 学生在兖煤旗下凯贝唐煤矿体验“矿工”的一天 |
2019-10-23 | 兖煤旗下雅若碧煤矿赞助当地标志性钓鱼赛事 |
2019-09-23 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿为社区升级山区骑行车道 |
2019-09-18 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿持续协助Kepwari人工湖的开发 |
2019-08-29 | 兖煤旗下沃克山煤矿为当地橄榄球俱乐部赞助除颤器 |
2019-08-15 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿员工参加社区植树活动 |
2019-08-08 | 兖煤旗下澳思达煤矿出资为学校修建花园 |
2019-08-08 | 兖煤旗下杜拉里煤矿为当地濒危物种提供保护 |
2019-07-26 | 兖煤旗下普瑞马煤矿为当地铁路修建提供支持 |
2019-07-03 | 兖煤旗下莫拉本运营出资升级当地社区活动中心设施 |
2019-06-28 | 科利赛马俱乐部收到来自兖煤普瑞马煤炭公司的赞助 |
2019-06-10 | 兖煤澳洲为纽卡斯尔大学科学工程活动提供赞助 |
2019-05-30 | 克隆塔夫基金的男孩们参加兖煤组织的植树活动 |
2019-05-20 | 兖煤旗下凯贝唐煤矿为当地足球俱乐部提供重要赞助 |
2019-05-20 | 克隆塔夫基金的男孩在兖煤普瑞马煤矿体验矿工的一天 |
2019-03-14 | 兖煤澳洲学员计划增加了女学员的从业机会 |
2019-02-11 | 兖煤莫拉本煤矿为2019 年古尔岗年度展览提供赞助 |
2018-11-23 | 关于拟定全球发售混合媒介要约的公告 |
2018-08-29 | 兖煤旗下澳思达煤矿出资为当地高中修建花园 |
2018-08-22 | 兖煤旗下雅若碧煤矿为当地橄榄球俱乐部提供赞助 |
2018-07-30 | 兖煤澳洲为纽卡斯尔大学SMART项目提供赞助 |
2018-07-23 | 兖矿集团首次入围2018年财富500强企业名单 |
2018-07-04 | 兖煤凯贝唐煤矿组织当地学生体验矿工的一天 |
2018-06-27 | 兖煤澳思达煤矿为当地球场设立饮用水站 |
2018-06-14 | 兖煤沃克山煤矿资助保护当地濒危野生动物 |
2018-05-28 | 兖煤雅若碧煤矿赞助 Saratoga 2018年度路亚赛事 |
2018-05-09 | 兖煤莫拉本运营为当地网球俱乐部提供赞助 |
2017-12-06 | 兖煤雅若碧运营$25,000的赞助让当地救援直升机飞得更高 |
2017-12-04 | 兖煤旗下澳思达煤矿资助当地公校修建花园 |
2017-11-22 | 兖煤旗下雅若碧运营为当地国际煤炭中心提供赞助 |
2017-10-18 | 兖煤莫拉本运营已累计为当地捐助百万赞助 |
2017-10-10 | 兖煤旗下沃克山煤矿运营为当地大学生设立奖学金 |
2017-10-10 | 兖煤旗下沃克山运营资助当地乳腺癌研究 |
Local science enthusiasts got involved
New medical supplies for Collie Hockey Association
Kup of Kindness get much-needed funding boost to expand their vital meal service
Statement Regarding Incident at Austar Coal Mine
Statement Regarding Incident at Austar Coal Mine
Buckingham Tree project completed with care
Premier Coal workers volunteer for roadside clean-up
Yarrabee renews support of iconic Healthy Harold
Blackwater local groups called to apply for funding boost
Chinchilla and Miles community groups urged to apply for funding boost
Singleton community groups urged to apply for funding
Call for local Collie groups to apply for funding boost
Call for local groups to apply for funding boost
Well, the last coal train out of Stratford has gone
New stage curtains at Jerrys Plains Community Hall
Clontarf Foundation students enjoy a day on the mine
Yarrabee Coal renews support of CapRescue
Local students inspired by science and engineering
The Celebrity Golf Classic distributes funds to local community groups
Booral Rural Fire Service invests in new tools
Much needed entrance upgrade for Milbrodale Public School
High School students onsite exploring mining
Singleton Junior Rugby Union Club players enhance their tackling technique with new gear
The local hockey community are better protected from the outside elements
Gloucester community enjoy orchestral music moment
Collie riders shouting “Giddy up Gus”
Moolarben Coal played host to family and friends
Gloucester community groups celebrate funding
International visitors explore mining in WA
Celebrating funding boost for Upper Hunter community organisations
Hurdling with funding boost
Miners popping with colour in support of mental health
SK8 RIDE SCooT thrills and spills
Celebrating funding boost for local community groups
Pre-School upgrades their heating and cooling system
Celebrity Golf Classic teeing off some fun soon
Local science students experimented with fun at SMART
Horses are better protected with new shelter
Funding enables building upgrade at local Swimming Club
Premier Coal Farewells 440 years of Dedicated Service
Geography Students at the coalface
Funding was music to the college’s ears
Central Highlands Region community groups urged to apply for funding
Gloucester community groups called to apply for funding
Local Community Groups in the Hunter urged to apply for funding
Local community groups urged to apply for funding
Collie community groups urged to apply for funding
Miles locals hooked some fun and prizes
Blackwater PCYC secures a new partner
High School students inspired by mining
New training gear for Singleton Junior Rugby Union Club
Mount Thorley Warkworth welcomed families onsite
Booral Rural Fire Service boosted
Fingerling’s release reels in some fun
Budding scientists getting excited
Equipment upgrade for Collie Bowling Club
Yancoal’s STEM investment for local students
Learning Club helping local students achieve
Upper Hunter projects get funding boost
Going pink for cancer research
Surface upgrade for Collie BMX riders
Local science fans bubbling with excitement about SMART
Employee racing from open-cut pit to ironman course
Collie Senior High School onsite exploring automation
Booral Rural Fire Service station gets a makeover
Gloucester community groups called to apply for funding
Local Community Groups urged to apply for funding
Local students at the coalface
Local groups called to apply for funding
Collie BMX is riding high with kitchen upgrade
Mudgee Region Mountain Bike Club taking riders to the next level with skills clinic
Murilla Kindy goes interactive
Yancoal renews partnership with Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service
Magpies fly into the season with new gear
New equipment for Mudgee Rescue Squad
Funding boosts safety gear at Collie Horsepower
Kup of Kindness offering food relief for local students
First Aid kits for Singleton Rugby Club
Stroud Show – bigger and better than ever
Cooking up a storm at Amaroo Primary School
Investing in STEM for local student’s future
Extension for the Men’s Shed of Collie
Funding injection for community groups in Gloucester
Yarrabee wins big at industry awards night
Funding boost for local community groups
Saratoga Spectacular snagged plenty of fun
Scores are up in lights at Singleton PCYC
Teeing off for charity
Healthy Harold helps children in the community make better choices thanks to funding boost
Singleton Heights Preschool goes solar
Blackwater Highlanders Youth group gets funding support
New trees at Lake Windamere get stronger protection
Yancoal’s STEM investment in local student’s future
Gloucester community groups receive funding for local projects
Mudgee Men’s Shed are showing their artistic talent
Clontarf Foundation students at the coalface
Another successful Tom Lowry Memorial race
Restoration of historical Wallsend mine site
Local Mudgee groups receive donation
Kitchen refresh for Howes Valley RFS
50 years on the job calls for a celebration
Upper Hunter Valley community groups get much-needed funding boost
Recycling front and centre at Yarrabee
Fingerlings release snags a crowd
Preschoolers are climbing into new adventures
Howzat! Bilbies score sun safety gear
Yarrabee lifts off with Capricorn Helicopter Rescue Service
Premier Coal workers get their hands dirty for charity
Junior golfers swinging in style thanks to funding boost
Blackwater Art Society gets a much-needed makeover
Racing safe with new equipment
Archery club donation hits a bullseye
Toy funding brings joy to local children
Dunedoo Multi Purpose Service receives support
Gloucester gets funding boost
Miles State High School staying cool with new fans
Upper Hunter gets funding boost
Mining truck painted pink for breast cancer